Ciné Gael Montréal's 1st season banner

Ciné Gael Montréal 1996

Evening of Short Irish Film - Thursday, April 11th

A mixed bag of life and death, comedy and tragedy - a night introducing you to Ireland's young film makers and their stories. In our second evening of Irish Short Films, John Moore was again represented, with a film of his own, and it and another from his production company, Clingfilms.

35 Aside was a special favourite that year, a film that we regularly get queries about from Irish film buffs, so a pleasure to finally have it in place at our website. It was one of five short films that we showed in 1996.

From IMDB by Damian Keenan, “35 Aside is one of those rare treats that cheers you up every time you see it. The acting, especially from James Mahon, is terrific, and Damien O'Donnell's confident handling of the material shows he has a great future ahead of him. Every camera angle and edit adds to the humour and the plight of the film's young protagonist, and there will be nobody who does not cringe at their own schoolday memories whilst watching this.
All in all, great stuff which paved the way for O'Donnell's equally skillful treatment of the marvellous East Is East, which I also urge you to see.”

Read more about our history on our 20th anniversary, from John Griffin at the Gazette, and this is our short films flyer below. This evening was part of our 1996 season.

Stephen (1990) Dir: John Gogan, Bandit Films (l8min.) Irish cyclist, Stephen Roche's victory in the Tour de France catches the imagination of his native city, Dublin. For Stephen Hurley, out of work and in trouble, the news sets his black and white reality alight and draws him into a psychotic color chrome fantasy of travel and pursuit. Crusheen On... (1995) Dir: Catherine Lyons (20 mins) This is a story about life, love and a secret. A secret which is kept for fear of prejudice, a secret which kills one relationship, but gives life to others. Set in Dublin's inner city, the story presents a family of undertakers whose relationships both inside the immediate family and beyond are severely tested by events. He Shoots, He Scores (1995) Dir: John Moore, Clingfilms (10min.) Set at some point in the indefinite future, a chance encounter between two boys leads to a discovery of a greater universe. 35-Aside (1995) Dir: Damien O'Donnell, Clingfilms (26min.) A comical story concerning a young boy's traumatic experience of isolation and bullying when he moves to a new school. "Essentially a captivating and highly entertaining celebration of childhood." writes Review, Film Ireland. The Pan Loaf (1995) Dir: Sean Hinds (11 min.) Two students, Gwen and Finbar, uncomfortable at a student party that has evolved into an "orgy" of sorts, decide to leave the party in order to get some bread. The film follows them on their amusing, though sometimes tense, journey through the streets of Belfast at night in search of an elusive panloaf.
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